Music Boosters

The objectives of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Music Boosters shall be:
To promote an awareness of, and appreciation for, the various facets of the music program of the Honeoye Falls-Lima schools.
To provide support, including financial, to the music programs in the schools.
To collaborate with Honeoye Falls-Lima School district personnel in order to enrich the music education experience for all students.

HF-L Music Boosters Holiday Plant Sale
*NOW OPEN through Friday, November 22, 2024*
All funds raised support Music Programs at Lima, Manor, Middle and High School!
Friday, Dec. 13th (3:00 PM – 6:00 PM)
Saturday, Dec. 14th (9:00 AM – Noon)
HF-L Middle School, 619 Quaker Meeting House Rd.
Pull up to cafeteria/south entrance and your plant order will be brought to your vehicle!
If you would like to make a donation to HF-L Music Boosters, please visit to place an online donation.
Make out a check payable to "HF-L Music Boosters" and mail it to:
Music Boosters c/o Kenneth Goold
Honeoye Falls-Lima High School
83 East Street
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Thanks for your support!
Boosters Meetings
Music Boosters welcomes all those interested in supporting the HF-L Music Programs. Meetings for the 2024-25 school year will be held in the High School Chorus Room at 6:00 p.m. (unless otherwise noted) on the following dates:
No December meeting
No March meeting
HF-L Music Booster Auditorium Seat Plaques
Looking for a unique opportunity to leave a lasting memento of an HF-L student, staff member, or member of the community? HF-L Music Boosters is continuing its tradition of selling plaques for the seats located in the District Auditorium for $50 each.
Click the link below to download an order form.
Boosters Contact Information
Mailing Address: Music Boosters c/o Kenneth Goold
Honeoye Falls-Lima High School
83 East Street
Honeoye Falls, NY 14472