Cold Weather/School Closures

Student safety is our first priority. With the community's outstanding highway and the District's facilities crews, we seldom close school due to the cold weather or snow. However, during the winter it is a good idea to talk with members of your family about cold weather safety and to make sure you have a cold weather plan for the home.

Please make an emergency plan and teach it to your children, in case you are not home when the bus comes to pick them up in the morning. They need to know where, when and how to get help if they are waiting outside too long, or if they sense danger. Tell your children how long they may wait outside, where to go in the event that the bus is delayed and what the dangers and risks of extreme weather are.

Tell your children to seek help if they:

  • Get too cold or wet, especially their boots or gloves

  • Feel pain or numbness anywhere, especially hands, feet, ears or nose

  • Think they may have frostbite, which behaves like a burn and requires medical attention

For more information on winter safety, including additional winter weather resources, please visit

If there was a decision to delay or cancel school the decision will be communicated to parents via the District's mass communication calling system, and over local radio and television stations. School closings and delays are also posted on the main page of the District's website.

Schools are not likely to close for cold weather conditions unless other factors are at hand. Therefore, unless local wind chill readings are between -25 and -40 degrees below zero, parents should be aware that schools are likely to remain open. Thank you for making sure your student is well protected and prepared each and every day. Together we will continue to make our schools warm and safe places for learning!